Cambridge City ParAbility teams had more success in 2021/22 season than any other year, winning all of their 50 league games.
All the players in both teams are graded on a national level to ensure they compete against teams of the same ability. Our boys can have autism, epilepsy, hearing loss, learning difficulties and anxiety.
We train every Tuesday evening at the North Cambridge Acadamy and play in a monthly competition organised by the Cambs and Hunts FA on Coldhams Common.
Last season 22/23, started on the 20th of September with 16 teams in three divisions. Our first team played in the Premier League winning 3 games and drawing 1. The second team won 3, drew 1 and lost 1 in the championship. We were guests of the Club for a first team game and had our first presentation evening at a pub which worked well.
Three of the lads have recently taken their first FA coaching badge and plan to do their first aid courses.
We are proud to be part of the Cambridge City family, a Club that promotes inclusivity and diversity.

If you are interested in joining the team or would like any further info, please contact Head Coach Paul Davies.
07932 649318
Cambridge City ParAbility teams have been running since 2013; previous to this Cambridgeshire FA ran a team called Cambridge City which was run by Gaynor Fisher and financed by the FA. When this team was in danger of folding due to budget cuts at the FA Cambridge City took it under its wing and with the help of the Cambridge City Supporters Trust during the transition period took it forward to be fully sustainable. Sid Cullum and his daughter Ellie with the help of Gill Wordingham resurrected the two teams and supplied them with old Cambridge City kit that was surplus to requirements.
We have two teams, one that plays in the Championship (level 2) and one in the league (level 1); these leagues are now graded by the FA on a national basis to ensure that the teams playing each other are of equal ability. Most of our players have mild learning difficulties with others affected by epilepsy, hearing loss, autism, diabetes and anxiety.
The teams train on astro pitches on a Tuesday evening at the North Cambridge Academy and on a Thursday morning at the Abbey pool complex. Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire FA run ParAbility leagues with tournaments taking place monthly on Wednesday mornings on Coldham’s common. Other teams taking part include Cambridge United, Cambridge Regional College, St Ives Rangers, March Park Rangers and the Papworth Trust.
In 2018/19 our championship team won their league and represented Cambridgeshire in the regional finals of the Peoples Cup at Kempston. The League team have won their competition three times out of the last four seasons, which is a fantastic achievement.