Rising together
as One
Here at Cambridge City Football Club we pride ourselves on being an all inclusive, family oriented club.
Here you will find the Cambridge City Equality and Diversity Statement and our policies and procedures. We have added links that we think will be of interest.
If there is anything specific you would like to see please contact Roger de Ste Croix
All the documents on this page demonstrate the Club’s commitment to promoting inclusion, valuing diversity and eliminating discrimination.
We are entering exciting times with the development of our new stadium, training facilities and community areas at Sawston, providing inclusive facilities and creating a community hub, where we can build on our reputation as a family-friendly club, welcome to all, regardless of their background
Cambridge City are proud to be associated with 'Her Game Too' . We want women and girls of all ages to feel confident and safe sharing their opinion about football both online and in real life without fear of sexist abuse. #HERGAMETOO
Club Documents
Below you will find all of our club documents relating to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.
CCFC Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy
CCFC Respect codes (Players)
CCFC Respect codes (Supporters)
CCFC Respect Codes (Young Players)
Click here for:
The FA Football Leadership Diversity Code October 2020
The FA Landmark Disability Football Plan 2021-2024 to help develop, improve, and raise awareness of Disability Football in England
Football’s equality and inclusion organisation ‘Kick it out’
Cambridge City and South Cambs District Council Equality Pledge