Our Media & Communications Director, Sean Coxon has just over a week to go until he takes on

a 50 Mile Ultramarathon....MAD! But can you push him on with your donations?
Sean is fully trail run ready with these beauties in City colours and has raised just over £1000
aiming to hit £1500 towards the journey home fund, go spur him on?
Sean has been involved with the football club for just over a year now, and continues to be astonished at just how passionate everyone is about supporting this amazing club.
It's been a long 10 years in the wilderness and we are within touching distance of having a state of the art facility in which we can start to rebuild and get back to where we belong.
We ask a lot of you all to support the club, come to quiz nights and generally hand over your hard earned money and we now need one final push to get across the line. Which is why Sean has decided to do a bit of fundraising himself.
On April the 8th, Sean and his partner Angela (who is fitness freak even more so as a PT) will be heading to the South Downs Way to take part in a 50 Mile Ultramarathon.
Yes it's as crazy as it sounds, attempting to run 50 miles along the South Downs Way within the 13 hour cut off time.
They are raising money for the here and now, but also to invest in our future. With our amazing Youth Teams, Par Ability, Ladies and Men's Senior Teams soon to all be under one roof, we'll be able to contribute significantly to the growth of Grass Roots football in the region.
Please give what you can, let's support each other and get back to where we belong.
Time is running out to make your donation. Please head over to my fundraiser and pledge your support https://gofund.me/070c13b7
Alternatively cash donations at the next couple of games or bank transfers are available, contact Alice for bank details alice.dewey@cambridgecityfc.com